NUSWhispers – Confession #38710

People who purchase and drink starbucks coffee are either financially retarded or are ignorant, act atas people. Why would you pay $6 for coffee is just beyond me. Their cost to produce a cup of this fools' coffee is below $1 and ignorant fools are paying like $5 for it? Is it for the branding? For that name that the barista writes on your cup? Or for the gram? Especially when you're maybe earning only like 1k a month average during your university days, even if you're loaded, it's still just financially irresponsible. I know some of you atas wannabes will comment that it's your choice and it's your money, you can do whatever you want with it. I do not disagree, this however, is also my opinion and i'm just humbly sharing it. These wannabe people are, as i've observed, mostly girls who like to hang at starbucks branches for hours and posting instagram pictures of every drink that they purchase, complete with a quote or a phrase about how you are so deserving of this but really, this just sounds extremely narcissistic and ignorant. These are the same girls who have complaints about having no money at the end of the day because they need to get their 'coffee fix'. A cup of starbucks coffee is worth an excess of a 2 vegetable, 2 meat cai png, or even a cheap meal at macdonalds. A full meal vs a drink you can't usually finish (iced), just think about that for a moment. So, don't ever date a person who frequents a 'starbucks fix', chances are, they're probably extremely superficial, or are just plain retarded and ignorant. You will NOT enjoy dating these fools. Of course, to these fools, feel free to defend and justify your starbucks lifestyle, but for most of us (i hope), we're just lucky enough to be a little smarter than you. Like if you agree.